The Miser

by Molière
Adapted by Colin Smith


Tower Theatre, Canonbury
June 13th - 20th, 1987

Cast List

Valère : Alan Boyle
Elise, daughter to Harpagon : Ruth Sillers
Cléante, son to Harpagon : Larry Jones
Harpagon, a miser : Marcus Toulmin-Rothe
Swift, Cléante's valet : Chris Holmes
Simon : Iain Ollason
Frosine, a matchmaker : Lesley Bilton
Jacques, Harpagon's cook : Piers Whibley

Stook : Iain Ollason
Hake : Ralph Shafran

Marianne, an heiress : Sally Cooper
Gendarme : Ralph Shafran
Count Anselme, Valère's father : Wilmot Bennitt

The Miser


The Miser

Production Team

Director : Colin Smith
Set Design : Colin Winter
Lighting Design : Len Weller
Costume Design : Faith Ingle, Julie Bevan

Stage manager : Clare Kosinkski
ASMs : Anita Miller, Sue Gardner
Lighting operator : Dinah Irvine
Sound operator : Helen Smith
Choreography : Lesley Bilton
Set construction : Chris Seal, Mike Carr, Richard Bealing, Michelle Balgobin, Bob Critchley & members of the cast and crew