Lady Windermere's Fan

by Oscar Wilde


Tower Theatre, Canonbury
February 26th - March 5th, 1994

Cast List

Lady Windermere : Polly Andrews
Lord Windermere : Daniel Watson
Mrs Erlynne : Jill Batty
Lord Darlington : Keith Hill
The Duchess of Berwick : Sheila Burbidge
Lady Agatha Carlisle : Sally Bogle
Lord Augustus Lorton : Dominic Batty
Parker : Trevor Williams
Mr Cecil Graham : Ben Crocker
Mr Dumby : Tom Tillery
Mr Hopper : Jerry Moreton
Lady Plymdale : Fay Pedder
Lady Jedburgh : Noreen Phillips
Lady Stutfield : Vanessa Westing
Mrs Cowper-Cowper : Kate Fearnley
Miss Graham : Alessia Spillane
Lord Plymdale : Derek Pedder
Sir James Royston : Anthony Goodman
Lord Paisley : Terry Mathews
Rosalie : Vanessa Westing
Maid : Barbara Mathews

Lady Windermere's Fan


Lady Windermere's Fan

Production Team

Director : Colin Guthrie
Set Design : Wendy Parry
Lighting Design : Peter Gardner
Costume Design : Noreen Spall

Stage Manager : Teresa Brennan
ASMs : Thomas Hutton, Terry Mathews, Barbara Mathews, James Reader, Nick Bakker, Terri Costain, Zizi Sulkin, Wendy Sorensen
Sound operator : Michael Jacobs
Sound tape : Colin Guthrie
Wardrobe : Eve Smith, Phyl Lee, Kirsten Williams
Set construction : Clive Hammett, Alan McKenzie, Sue Lacey, Paul Barrett, Stephen Green