
by Terry Johnson

Directed by Sue Lacey

January 13th - 24th, 2004

The Tower Theatre performing at the Pentameters Theatre, Hampstead

Sigmund Freud : Keith Hill
Jessica : Meryl Griffiths
Abraham Yahuda : Terry Mathews
Salvador Dali : Stephen Brown
Figments : Liz Pilling, Pat Grosse, Claire Rice, Annie O'Donnell
Voice of Anna : Colette Dockery
Production Team
Director : Sue Lacey
Set and Costume Design : Tamar Balakjian
Lighting Design : Andy Peregrine
Sound Tape : Simon Humphries

Stage Manager : Robert Irvine
ASMs : Terry Baker-Self, Jonathan Mantle, Katherine Palmer, Claire Rice
Lighting operator : Nathalie Lake
Sound operator : Martin Brady
Chief set builder : Keith Syrett
Set construction : Jude Chalk, Robert Myer, Alan Root, Martina Stella, Val Whitehouse & members of cast and crew
Rehearsal prompt : Claire Rice